Mangale Development Pipeline Project India
800 ton linear winch KTC 800
Used Products in this project
Mangale Development Pipeline Project India
800 ton linear winch KTC 800
Project description
As part of the Mangale Development Project (MDP) in 2010, contractor Leighton required an 800T Linear Winch System to pull a double 24″ Line Pipe. Bezemer was responsible for supplying the pulling equipment to be installed on Lieghtons barge, “Barge Minx”.
The provided spread included the KTC 800, a 800 tonnes linear winch with hydraulic power units, a foundation frame to connect the winch to the barge deck and an anchor system. In addition to this equipment, Bezemer provided 8.000 meter pulling wire, as well as a wide selection of shorter slings, sockets, and shackles. Bezemer also supplied two 500 mTon SWL sheaves and a 1000 mTon SWL sheave. In total, Bezemer shipped 850 tonnes of equipment to India.
Linear winch pulling from a barge
The barge on which the winch was installed was positioned in front of multiple anchor piles and connected to the to-be-pulled pipeline. One end of the pulling wire was connected to the anchor piles. To compensate for length differences in the anchoring system, several sheaves were used, making sure all anchor piles endured an equal load. The other end, the pulling end of the wire, was inserted in the linear winch.
Completing the 800T pull
Now it was time to pull. When the 800 tonnes linear winch pulled the pulling wire, it would move itself and the barge closer to the anchor piles pulling the pipeline along. The pipeline was pulled in sections of 500 meters, which were prepared on a stringing yard. Halfway through the pull, the anchor system was relocated to another set of piles, after which the pull was finished, resulting in the successful completion of the project.
We are pleased to have been a part of the landfall part of the Mangala Development project. When installed India’s MDP became the world’s longest continuously heated and insulated pipeline, covering over 700km. It is the first of its kind in India.