
Bezemer Group and all its group companies present this website to provide general information about its group business and services. We do our utmost to keep the information current and correct. The Bezemer group does not accept responsibility for and are not liable regarding the information provided and any effect related to (the use of) the information provided on (or through) this site. In case of a (potential) business relation with any group company of the Bezemer group, the reference to information on the site, such as product/services specifications, in RFI’s, proposals, tenders, requests for delivery and /or agreements is subject to the conditions, the Bezemer group uses in the applicable business agreement.

Suggestions for improvements to our website are very welcome by e-mail at our general e-mail-address as specified in: Contacts.


All rights reserved. Copyright and other intellectual property rights in all text, images, sound, software and other materials on this site are Bezemer Dorderecht B.V.’s property.

The visitor is allowed to reproduce fragments of this site utilizing printing, downloading to a hard disk and by distribution to other people, but in all cases exclusively for non-commercial, informational and personal purposes, except for the requested and product specifications provided by Bezemer Dordrecht BV. No reproduction of any part of the site may be sold or distributed for commercial gain, nor may it be modified or incorporated into any other work, publication or site, whether in print or electronic form, including posting on any other site, other than the mentioned product specifications, as provided by Bezemer Group BV, in RFI’s, proposals or tenders. No other license or right is granted.

Suggestions for improvements to our website are very welcome by e-mail.