Project Ostsee FSRU
800 ton linear winch KTC 800

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Project Ostsee FSRU
800 ton linear winch KTC 800

Project description

The Deutsche Ostsee Project covers the installation of an FSRU-based LNG import terminal in the German Baltic Sea. In 2023 the Deutsche Ostsee LNG Terminal was constructed in record time using a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) as Europe pivoted to LNG imports as an alternative to Russian gas supplies. The project also included a pipeline shore crossing through a micro tunnel. Bezemer Dordrecht provided a linear winch and additional equipment to complete this scope of the project.   

Pulling through a micro tunnel with an 800 mT winch. 

The provided winch spread’s core was our KTC 800 continuous linear winch. This winch has a pulling capacity of 800 tonnes. Using different inserts, the winch can pull various diameters of wires allowing one winch to pull the 52mm messenger wire and the 127 mm pull wire. Since this project is based on a pull through a 750-meter-long micro tunnel the linear winch was delivered with a tunnel pit frame. This frame, specially designed for the tunnel pulls, has an incorporated downward sheave to position the winch on top of the pit exit. The winch is easily accessible for our operators and the project requires less excavation work, compared to when the winch will be placed in the pit.    

Transport to Lubmin and installation of the winch spread

After the equipment was prepared and tested in our yard in Dordrecht, Bezemer transported the equipment to the site in Lubmin. After installation of the equipment, the complete spread is function-tested and ready for operation. The linear winch crew pulled in the pre-installed 52mm messenger wire, to pull the heavier pulling wire in location. When the pulling wire reached the linear winch, the 52mm insert was replaced by the insert for the 127mm wire to complete the main pull.   

The pipe pull operation 

The pipe pull operation started after the pipelay vessel connected the pulling wire socket to the pipe’s pullhead. After each added pipeline section, the pipelay vessel instructed the winch operator to pull. Once the pull head reached its final location, both grippers were closed to keep the pipeline in position. Now the pipeline was pulled completely through the micro tunnel and the pipelay vessel could start moving away from the tunnel entry and continue to lay the pipe.   

 After the completion of the pull in September the German government decided that the offshore moored FSRU should be moved to Sassnitz. After inspecting the equipment, the winch spread was mobilised to Mukran where the same operation was repeated for another pipeline installation. During this second pull the site was covered in snow, making the work more challenging but resulting in some unique photos.